Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011


Well I really only heard about this yesterday so its interesting, apparently this guy Harold Camper did this same game back in 1994 and as you can see with us still being here, nothing happened, but apparently to him the world will end in October and we have a few months of torture. 

We have news articles, wiki articles, so on so forth, also amusing to coincide is an article that looks like a troll from cdc 

so uh prepare for whatever might happen and carry a large knife. I doubt anything will happen honestly. I feel the same for 2012.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday News

I have stuck with this haven't I? I still have not gotten to the part where I get on camera again... maybe soon.
 On my news block today some local news for me, then more talk on those dead birds, and other critters

This is something No one ever wants to have happen to them, and to most of us on the internet worry greatly about, when making online purchases. someone else getting our credit card number, and using it. Well this happened at a local semi local taco place, the credit card system got hacked, I can honestly see this happening at other places too. my work for example, is a food place, all the computer in the store can run credit cards, its all networked back into the office, from there it goes into a switch them the modem, then out the building. knowing how big of a mess of wires it is in there I could never hope to comprehend how it all works, But someone knows. It has to be rewired every time the company is switched. Honestly I don't like the paper trail of credit  cards, I don't like when I travel having to wait longer for purchases to go through, and it makes Christmas shopping so much easier to do it in cash.  Some people might like the convenience of a card, get a visa gift card.

Now on the birds, the government is actually trying to take the blame now for a flock of blackbirds, stating that they poisoned them because they were bothering farmers, then dropped while flying north. Really? okay you poisoned birds for farmers, when have you ever done something for Americas farmers? Beyond that, there are so many locations of dead animals now, you can not say its one poisoning, its several, something is happening there. I am still curious.

This article mentions to other articles about several of the other dying animals.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

health Care

I know I might be wrong about this bill, but from my understanding its a bill that forces you to get health care, and if you do not get it then you are required to pay a fine or tax for not getting health care. In my mind insurance in its whole is a rip off, honestly insurance is there for the person who isn't prepared, and yet now is a part of being prepared.

Car insurance, my father told me of days long past where this was an optional beast, now its required to even drive a car, and obtain a license when you are of age.
homeowners insurance, required insuring all the things you own and the home for a set amount of money.
and theres a list, renters insurance is optional and since I live in an apartment and rent, no I am not paying for it.

tornado insurance
flood insurance
hurricane insurance
earthquake insurance
fire insurance
volcano insurance
all mother nature problems, uncontrollable things wheres asteroid insurance, and alien abduction insurance, perhaps thats covered in health insurance if you are probed.

now I wont say that some or all of these could be necessary, they are not where I live, but in California I would have earth quake insurance, and in Kansas I would have tornado insurance, or my form of insurance, not live in a place where that shit happens, because even after the insurance, you still have to rebuild and buy new stuff.

The big part of all of these, the fact that they are NOT required, and health insurance should be my choice, I understand car insurance honestly, driving is the most dangerous thing we do, ever, and we do it every single day. That means every single day people age ranging from 15 to 90 could be driving, flinging near 1 ton vehicles toward you at 20-70 miles an hour and your only protection is your own pile of meta l(God help motorcycles ).
But health insurance, its quite my choice to avoid the doctor at all costs, and with that I avoid the cost of the doctor, now I am being wanted to pay you the government to go to a doctor, or my own avoidance of.  Honestly these are private practice doctors they went to school just as I did, if I do not want to use their services I do not and do not pay for it. If I were to avoid using a lawyer's services and accepted a speeding ticket, not one complaint would I receive,
I do not endorse a political party, nor pay much attention, however I do hope this health bill is revoked, denounced. and please for dear God, lets not repeat the cycle of 8 year terms. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday News

Okay Mr Alex Epstein 

You make this easy for me, this is an insanely long news article of opinions. All about Oil, about how solar and wind energy are to his mind useless ventures, now I know that people successful off the grid on both solar and wind energy and he states how much land it takes for wind energy, yes this is true, and it speaks about the addiction, the article starts off right, saying how we are not addicted, how it does not have to be an addiction. The article then goes through several points about how oil isn't finite, they we keep find new ways to process it, and that other vegetable oils and such are worthless and a worthless venture. after reading all this and reading all about how alternative tech is useless and how worthless electric and hybrid cars are, which kinda they are, still using oil either through gasoline, or plugging in. 
what happened to our water powered car?

Friday, December 31, 2010


What shows are on your list of daily watch? not much on mine, when I do catch some Tv, I like conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura  from this show I don't honestly think he is finding anything out about the world that is relate-able in fact. He is pretty much finding things stated within star enquirer and globe. there is another conspiracy show I have been watching  on the history channel, I do not know the name but it is worse than Jesse. the facts are put in favor of nothing being amiss and that the government tells all. They work towards saying that there is nothing wrong with the world.

With these shows, and then more and more websites supporting other sites and foundations like wikileaks, do not think that there is possibly something wrong with the world.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

weather woes

Well I live in the southern United states, so I am only dealing with the cold so far, and there was some snow that fell last week here while I was on vacation. I wonder if the gulf spill will have an effect on the wind streams and currents this early on from the spill. I do have to say as long as I have lived here( my entire life ) I have never seen winter weather come from above the mountains then down into the foothills. When the weather comes from the north like Illinois it hits the mountains and they break up the snow clouds. So something odd happened with the weather stream to make it take a path which I have never seen. it is typical for the snow to come from the south to hit North Carolina then move up the coast. Currently though, normal amounts of winter weather is hitting ... well the normal parts of the country to receive it.

next link!
this one is about Identity theft. It's an interesting statement, your username, your code name to yourself. what to do you call yourself online, and what you do call yourself could lead to your own downfall of your identity, this basically goes on the idea of how many different accounts you have with one username. I use a few different usernames, thats a good thing for me. look over your own accounts. be secure.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

OK I am Back, married honeymooned and rested? hardly

Ok For the news, 4 stories, quite interesting to me, two of them about wikileaks, I cant say I have read much on this website, but I have watched some of the videos, and they are interesting to say the least. It's a website that is letting out secrets of the US government, however I think, if they were so important secrets we still wouldn't know them, I would still like to know who shot jfk, was 9/11 an inside job, something of that nature. There are long past secrets of the government that could change the views of the world on our own government. but right now, they are just releasing batches of documents the common public is hearing the names of the batches of documents, not what they contain or their importance only that they could damaging to to the government, or cost people jobs, and that last statement is the only one hitting home for people, thats the eye catcher statement because everyone is already out of a job.

wikileaks looses its paypal account, they cant accept donations from them now, honestly it was coming since all american companies are backing away from them quickly.

and this one is forbidding all federal employees to Not look at wikileaks, at work, at home, on your mobile phone. because you shouldn't know whats there. thats it in a nut shell, I wonder though, will they know? really? will you get fired if you do look?

Next story ! Land up for sale, nice secluded, out in perfect prepper country, one hitch it belonged to the uni-bomber

and a stranded boat off the coast of alaska.. ok I am jumping bail off this one for thinking it was interesting, but it was for a second. stranded crew, no one can get out to them yet. What would you do? QOTD

Sunday, November 21, 2010

late in the day

well I have a few stories to talk about, reading the news last night showed me the stories I wanted to write about today, and unfortunately I am not getting to this writing until nearly 3 am the next day, the first story is speaking about the tsa and all these privacy intrusions we are now just witnessing because of all the terrorist thoughts through out the flight around the world. now I wonder if a full body scanner or groping I mean pat downs would even be helpful to how those planes were apparently high jacked, not with bombs, with box cutters, and with box cutters I honestly do not see any plane full of american people being scared of one or two people on a plane, there has to be some facts wrong about those statements. please come see me in 50 years when the documents are released. right now we are dealing with this invasion of privacy because we are allowing it, we allowed the patriot act to come into play and let it slip by us letting the government avoid completely the 4th amendment, a law that has been in place since the birth of this country. a government agency can bug your house while your away, no search warrant, no court order, no reasonable suspicion no urgent circumstance. the entire  4th amendment was put in place to protect persons places and things for your privacy. knowing this, the statement given by the tsa is that a person, a reasonable person would have no expectation of privacy in an airport, well this is a statement I know we all believe, we all, the american people, have a reasonable expectation of privacy by wearing clothes we assume in our no wrong doing, there should be no reason to see what is under our clothes, nor should a random check by an employee give the reason for a pad down, the pad down, a terry stop, the first pad down, means you have to have reasonable suspicion for a pat down, the only person I see having the ability to judge this is a trained police officer, not a hired tsa employee.

the other story I marked in my book to write about was this  

these guys cant get a break can they? move maybe? ok with katrina, hurricane after hurricane, and the oil spill, its almost surprising to find people still wanting to live in this place, but ok I understand its home and a way of life. they are going through another problem, a power outage? hmm these have happened in new york and they never told them to boil water, which gene pool are they trying to thin...  I joke.

On both of these stories, I have flown on a few planes, after 9/11 mind you I was 16 then, 25 now. even got stopped once cause I attempted to walk through with some hotel shampoo, I let them keep that, I didn't like taking off my shoes or understanding why an xray machine can see inside my laptop, and my bag, but not inside my laptop while its in my bag. on the other story, I have been through hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. hugo was the worse one I remember, I was 4. most of the time these things happened I was in rather safe locations inside brick structures, so I have been lucky, and I was taught by my parents to have plenty of things, like batteries or things that work but don't require batteries on hand in those times, and I do love the invention of hand crank powered devices.

tomorrow, or this morning is Monday, I am sending off my laptop later today, and then work till midnight, doing my next blog then, then then then going camping for a few days, ill be attempting to film while I am out there and I hope I get a lot of the product reviews I wanted to go over, done with while out there.