Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012


A new year, with it brings new beginnings, I continue to be tested in my life, have it all taken from me, and I will always rise up from it and continue on. You can have one or one hundred things go wrong in your life somehow going through those things will make your life better in the end. my wife leaving put me on medications, true this now gives me a reliance on something that might become in short supply. but I have about 3 months supply now. This medication levels out my mood a lot which was apparently needed with my relationship with her. I am not mad at her for leaving and I understand why she did, I just wish it could have been resolved in a way where she could have stayed.

Beyond her leaving around the same time I lost my job, moved to another job, and then someone threw a rock through the window of my car, then a month or so later the car just broke down. I am currently having to drive my mothers car delivering food. I never have claimed I had a good job, but I wasn't killing vehicles doing the job. 

I have looked towards getting other jobs, or pursuing other options, I have not yet found one suited for me. The medication I am not on also seems to limit me on options because now people see me as diagnosed crazy. 

The good things I can say, I still have a job, I am still making money ( root of all evil in this society) and living the only way I can at this point in time. later on I will start  writing about actual survival stuff again. Also even being as I am I will always plan a camping trip this year, and it has been a truly mild winter. I hope spring will be a good time to go out to the mountains and throw up my hammock and relax some.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its not Paranoia, its preparedness.

I said this to my wife the other day, then typed it out, and never did finish the post due to computer problems, my mind has been going in 8 different directions due to my mind getting set on something I want to build, and when I get set to want to make something, nothing comes between me and that thing. in moments of my A.d.d. mind I get.. ooo new ipad.. No shouldn't splurge on computer goodness. I know I should not be splurging on anything, world going to toilet, gas prices up, I suck as a prepper. The wife is getting a new job though, this should help out a lot, I hope. Went out and about today on my one useful day off, the wife got a bread-maker for 4 dollars, at 90% off at a thrift store, just our luck really, was 40 dollars, yes do the math.

As for this blog, I haven't had a good story to tell really, the other bloggers are going full force, about libya, wars, economy and the end of the world, honestly I think about all that stuff all the time too, but I have other hobbies.

in terms of posts, I will get back to you, I do hope I have more to write about then, comment perhaps, give me an incentive.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Month

February already, In my life not much happening that is interesting, I continue working which means little to anyone reading this honestly; However, to me it means continued life stuck in a rut, I am quite curious how someone starting out life in a poor social status can move above it. my parents were poor, my wifes parents were poor, I am 25 years of age, Yep I said something about myself. I think we married young yes. I do not see how a couple wishing to have kids, brought up in distress of money gets out of that distress. This is from countless talks or arguments with the wife about money, and time.

its a condescending idea for her, she wants to move to a city, for work to obtain a better job, but when we have children she wants to be close enough for her mother to be there. the two ideas are impossible for me to grasp. Beyond that moving at all, when one lives only paycheck to paycheck how would one move. This month incredibly annoying with car inspections, registrations, and to have the kicker a higher power bill from heating.

This is the very point where I wish we were off the grid, or in a world where one did not need a job or a car riding horses, trading whats needed, using crafts and skills properly for money, while chopping wood for a fire, or even in modern age, solar heating. Everyone has skills, my wife's is cooking, mine is just about everything.

I have always been a jack of all trades, and quite literally a master of none. My father was a painter, through that he was also a handyman, but painting houses, he was a master at, it took him time, as he did it alone, but never a drip, never a run in the paint, an entirely even coat. I was taught this, I am capable of painting not as he was though. I have held many jobs with him or without, repairing wood work, stone masoning, plumbing, electrician. All the while having my own hobbies, making plate armor, learning to sew with my mother, as that was her main profession, crocheting with my grandmother, Whittling. and as I got older computers and other electronics. All of these skills, Everyone of them is useless to a modern resume. In america you want teams of foreigners painting your houses, doing your sewing, gardening, so on. the servant class of the world, even the factory class of the industrial revolution is now the unemployed class. Those like me who wish for high rank, champagne on a beer budget, we work in customer service now, being paid bottom dollar to those that will still hirer, food service, most companies shipped jobs else where, where more profits can be made by having lower wages.

I am not foreseeing my way of getting ahead in life. I have an associates degree, so does my wife, mine is in criminal justice, my wife's is in culinary arts. No money and too much shame, I bow to no one, I neither beg nor plea, I just see this world dropping, and to those few with money either wasting it. or those that are in the magical middle class prepping. Those are the ones who I wish to be, to have the money to prepare for a time when our world becomes like the movies News on tv.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow day?

I randomly skipped a day? Sorry. I am surprised at NC and our schools and businesses, the schools have been closed all week, and this is suppose to be the first week back to school, that is rather crazy. I know that the roads have been bad, more so than most since I have had to work each day of snow and ice and drive on the roads during it for my job. I have seen many cars on the sides of the road, and even co workers sliding and one crashing, he is fine however. I guess in the south people are not required to learn how to drive in any condition, like bus drivers.
The co-worker that wrecked did tell me a good story about seeing two police cruisers sitting in a parking lot then one backing up preforming a reverse 180 then drifting in circles around the other police cruiser. I would have liked to see video of this.

Monday, January 10, 2011

down time

What is there for you to do in your downtime as a survivalist, prepper, or such. Well you can continue to learn like I am sure you are attempting to do now by reading this and any other blog about survival. Currently I am in my own downtime, I am off work for the night, a night I was planning to be out working for the entire night, because of the snow I had to close the store early as directed by my boss. Now I am in my self looking for something to do, the first thing for me to do as always is for me to find something to read, normally I find myself entranced into one of the many other survival blogs or something dealing with my many other hobbies, anime, paranormal, I can not stay on just one topic, it would drive me nuts.  

The normal things to talk about right now a congresswoman got shot, I believe from this I do like North Carolinas congressman's reaction, he bought a gun. I believe the idea of "if my security can not protect me I will protect myself. " 

The Weather it's self is a story too, because, well It sent me home from work among other things. I saw many wrecks when I was out driving  for work, and many people who are not capable of driving in this mess. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

few days away

I know I haven't been very daily in my postings lately, lots of things have been going on here, also it seems my car is broken or in the process of breaking, so that is another expenece against this poor prepping survivalist, I have been wanting a new car for two years but it hasn't been in my cards to obtain a new one. Who knows what will happen, but tomorrow I have a convention to go to, so no Saturday news. go read about the birds and fish and crabs all turning up dead.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

What are your resolutions? mine.. attempt to loose some weight, and get a better job, sounds simple right? my current bad job and my weight go hand in hand it seems since I do not make enough to afford the healthy food I want to eat, and I am in easy access to bad non healthy food.  Either way I am at work, and here until 2 am tonight, so everyone enjoy some fireworks for me.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Book review Survive!

Okay, I have said I will do product reviews, know hows, and such. Time to review a book I read before starting this blog. Survive! Essential Skills and Tactics to get you out of anywhere alive. by Les Stroud.

Now First I will say, I like this guy, to me he is smart on his survivor man shows, and I like his filming, as in being alone, that said, I don't like Canada speak in book form. Sorry Canadians. Most of this book related back to things you can learn just by watching his show, it did finally show how to make a figure 4 dead fall with some detail that he always speaks about in his shows. It is a good travel copy of 3 seasons of survivorman, and his one episode of urban disasters. Plus the stranded series he did to start up survivorman for the networks.

The book does have good tips, he is worth the read, but always do not just listen to one guide for all information, he also makes many references for everyplace he goes he consults local survival experts, something we all wont have if we were to get stranded in remote locations. it would mainly be book research like we would try to be doing with this book. I wouldn't call it an all knowing guide to survival, but it does have some tips tricks and opinions, like much hate for the the lean to shelter, why the hate Les?

I give it a 3 out of 5, I need to read more survival books honestly, this one didn't keep me that interested that I couldn't put the book down, but I did finish it.

Reading more books and reviewing more will come with time but money is tight like always for those with dead end jobs making it through life.

Also note, the leaving pages in the back of the book for tender was creative.

 I was attempting to not be bias on this review because I do like Les and his show, I like that even with having a show he is slow going, he is alone out there and takes care of himself, unlike Bear Grills who runs in headlong with no rhyme or reason to us the viewers, and he just works to make a good show rather than show someone how to survive, he shows ya just how to die faster.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I really do not feel as if I have missed much, so that means my good people, you have not missed much from my own comments.

It snowed on Christmas, the first white Christmas in North Carolina since 1947, and honestly first white Christmas for many states and cities for a good many years, I hear for Atlanta this is a first in 128 years. With all this snow I far too realize that people in North Carolina do not know how to drive in any condition, I worked all day today out driving, and the roads were quite clear, you see the snow was a fine powered snow, it sticks to the ground and did also to the roads, but it did nothing to make them slick, that is ice. We have not seen ice yet this year and maybe tonight the melted snow will bring ice, but I doubt it.  It baphles me that someone seemingly prepared for the weather driving a hummer or a large SUV would be driving slow to the point it annoys me, knowing they can handle the road at a higher speed when I am only in a front wheel drive sports car.

enough about the weather, I have enjoyed my holiday, I didn't really see much in the way of presents, thats fine,  I was given money, money is always good, it can be put forth useful things. I enjoyed giving presents to my new inlaws and watching them play.

During my break I believe some may have noticed my presence on twitter, I have an auto post for my blog, however I can access it from my phone, so I put a twitter feed on the blog to display. follow and comment and such, here there and everywhere, also take some time and rewatch the walking dead, I did.

QOTD What prepper stock should I get with the money?

Friday, December 17, 2010

to Survive

What would you be willing to do?

Now I am not referring to the end of the world, Perhaps just the end of your world. You find yourself homeless your family dead, what do you do now? Do you live on the streets clam-mering on clinging to what you may still own squandered away from what is left of your own life? Will you sell those last possessions to get a bit further a grain of food in your stomach? What job would you be willing to do, what would be beyond what your pride would allow?

I know in my own mind, my capabilities I can and would do anything to promote my wellbeing, and in my slight heartless nature no longer having anyone would lead me to the point of no worries in my own actions. If you have no one to look down on you that you know, there is nothing to low for you to stoop to. This is probably too drastic for someone who living comfortably to think about, you have a home, internet service Television most likely, a family pet you pay to take care of, children, these are all luxuries that most do not find as such. Television seems to be thought as a god given right anymore, and I find it to be the least necessary thing I pay for, it only adds to the time I waste spending it retaining information that has no suiting to my everyday lifestyle.

would you turn a trick as my mother says to obtain money? meaning towards prostitution, be a servant of some other sort, clean what others will not. anymore these are not even jobs that lower class people seem to be able to obtain, they go to foreigns that are now in the country, yet thought to be good job in england, working for noble being given room and food for service, but that is an era far past.
Now what most people stoop to is food service jobs, fast food, Mc Donald's is a low job for most, Walmart mostly unthinkable, just yet, obtainable if you look and ask.
so why I ask are there so many homeless? because if you do not try before the world falls out from under you, if you do not lie just slightly while you are already damned. If you say you do not have a home, no job will hire you anywhere. so what would you do to obtain a home? or would you lie.

Monday, November 15, 2010

semi happiness

whoa these next few weeks are gonna be insane busy for me, tomorrow interview with police officer to attempt to get sponsored to take class to learn how to be an officer in hopes of later getting hired as one. ( mouth full ) then camping trip which has had another day added to it, and wedding, yes a freaking wedding, Mine at that. and in between all those things, normal life and work and such. so uh topic, I really need to make up a camping list, or at least a bag list of things I have to if nothing else but to realize what I am missing, perhaps a second post tonight about that or tomorrow.. tomorrow is coming soon I dunno, hope everyone likes the minor changes I made to the blog, such such such...