Sunday, May 17, 2015
to anyone that reads this, read this article it shows the dangers of survival tv and highlights just a few things that can happen while out in the wild. people trying to produce their own survival tv have to compete with. shows that get ratings for being outlandish. compared to actually trying to survive. I personally do not promote a lot of these shows and will flag them down on shit they are doing stupidly, and if I see the duel survival people repel down another cliff.. I swear.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Calamine needed

Well I sit here covered in poison ivy it's a truly evil thing, don't worry I've had it before and know how to deal with it. I've made quite a few videos but I haven't uploaded them or made them watchable yet, I really don't like what I've recorded, I just recorded a few things in my yard some of the fruit we grow here, I do wish we did more like keep rabbits or something... I really want rabbits or maybe like our neighbors get chickens. Few riots I've seen in other countries I haven't seen any more news reports about it in America. I really don't want to repeat the news. I have written quite a bit here and I have no idea if it's been useful for anyone at all, but I will try to write some more useful things I've purchased a few new books I would recommend petersons guides I have the eastern America books for edible and medicinal plants. The idea of returning to doing Daily posts is daunting perhaps with the videos I make I'll write up one post a week. Not changing the name though.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

shit hits the fan

It has been a long time since I penned something proper to this blog, so far this week we have volcano, earthquakes and riots. Then come the words from my mother, the world will be end by fire.

which one of these disasters do you think is worse? where is someplace you would go to get away from the ever growing police state just to keep people from destroying there own cities. I don't understand it really, but what can we do, well I believe this is where bugging in comes to the table as an option, and a very good one. 
 So much has changed in my life since I started this blog, I was married now I am not. It's for better or worse really. I think I'm going to switch over to doing videos.I still enjoy blogging but I enjoy being outside more and I've been taking that step more and more. and slowly ill train myself to be a true survivalist. try now I am a dabbler for I have only gone camping and not had to deal with bad weather or the hardships of mother nature. 
So I made a facebook page to go with this site I think I made it wrong it doesnt show up like my paranormal section of now you can like or friend me. I could also use some help setting up the facebook to send auto notices for the blog like it does on twitter

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Possible return!

I'm thinking about revamping this blog and giving it a good turn around, I've learned a lot since I stopped writing in this blog and I've been writing randomly in a personal blog. So now no more hiding my face or anything, and I think I will start doing videos. Let's all see if I can do what I preach. This year I want to spend more time in the woods more time fishing and playing like I did when I was a kid, got I miss lake Norman. In those years of my life I was always doing something outside and now I'm more of a couch potato. So who's with me to write this thing, and make it better than ever and me showing some of the old skills I know and some of the new skills I've learned and we will do things I've never tried before.
So hears to a new summer season coming let's hope it's a good year to be outside, because that's where I want to be.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

how are we all surviving in these days since I've discontinued writing in this blog, so much has happened this year that made me want to run back practically screaming about my opinions. we have ebola in america now and even having killed one person in america, not to mention the 3000 killed in africa. we have isis having started up and become another force against the general good. somehow this is who we left in power after leaving from the war we went to there. america still trying not to get into a civil war but now we are doing air attacks on targets, im not going to stay that im for or against the bombings, I believe isis needs to be stopped but I also think there is alot that isnt being mentioned in main media like normal.
something ive been going crazy with was my passwords online, ive had to change them all over and over again, to the point of never remembering all of them I have a pad of paper with me full of passwords and websites beside my laptop or tablet. I know I have missed many things that have happened over the time I have been quiet but I just felt like posting here, I also have my other blog and websites ive been working on, I have a paranormal consulting website and my main general not survivalist or prepper blog.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's been awhile since I've even looked at this place let alone thought about writing. When I first created this blog I was almost a different person, over the years I've been gone, I have still been down from life in general, lost my reason for doing a lot of things including prepping. I am still a survivalist in working on the same skills to master to be able to sustain myself in an outdoor situation which is what I wanted in my arsenal of skills.
I realize writing this may have no meaning to anyone who is reading, but at one point I think I had readers, I haven't seen any responses to any posts when I did them so it didn't give me much of a want to continue.

Friday, June 8, 2012

debating shutting down this blog... but I plan on making a new one about other things. something I feel less obligated to stay on one subject. one about me and one where I do not bother with anonymity, and yet I do not plan on linking it here. so perhaps there will be another post here later on. If so I will talk to you then, sorta.