Monday, March 7, 2011

Bad tv shows, guides.

First off, I am still here, I haven't gone anywhere or done anything really, I have just not thought of anything to write about. Now I have a short post. also Saturday news.. uh Libya still going on gas prices high, food costs going up. yeah that covers it.

Okay so over this weekend I went through my dvr, a show I recorded Apocalypse man. Out of the many things I could say about this, wow. This guy for one looked homeless and I am sure that is the look the producers wanted. Two he is nuts, in the first few minutes he jumped off a bridge, let me state again, Jumped, Off, A, Bridge. For this event he stated that in times of martial law the government or that which remains would raise the bridges to limit travel for civilians, so his travel, He was trying to go to the city, was limited by a bridge so he jumped off one side of the raised bridge to the other, with a crowbar and rope. through this he scavenged a lot for things, apparently the back pack he had was empty, it was walking through everything  like someone would snipe him, saying that he had to lay low, yes being the only moving target wearing black in an empty city isn't conspicuous. This was honestly a bad show, he collected fuel to start a generator so he could sit in some office building, and charge a car battery, how long into the end of the world is this guy? I hope him and Bear Grylls make good friends, they both will probably jump off the same cliff.

If the world ends, I hope you were a prepper, honestly its the easiest way in any outlook of it, you are at home in your comfort zone stocked up on food and supplies with no need to leave out for anything that could in danger your life. If you are not a prepper, do not want to start stocking up for what ever reason, you should honestly fuel prices up, food prices up, I don't see them going down anytime soon, better late than never.

Fine don't listen, but if the end of the world hits, why go to the city? whats there, a lot of trash from people, I see no use in it, learn planting, hunting, something. neither of these skills will always be useful, think of all the redneck hunters there are, if they are all out there no limit providing for their families, the game will go quickly, if you are a bad shot you wont have a chance. there will be fighting for food.

Think about last Christmas for a minute, now Christmas shopping, then black Friday shopping, you remember those idiots killing people to get into stores first, now think if the world  ends, no more food factories, whats in those stores is the first thing people are gonna go for, it will be gone.

the main problem with any out look for the end of the world is that you do not know how it will come, if you will be able to leave the house or not.

I hope this post makes ya think. I want to post more, maybe do a video still and a self reveal show who I am, or at least my face.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its not Paranoia, its preparedness.

I said this to my wife the other day, then typed it out, and never did finish the post due to computer problems, my mind has been going in 8 different directions due to my mind getting set on something I want to build, and when I get set to want to make something, nothing comes between me and that thing. in moments of my A.d.d. mind I get.. ooo new ipad.. No shouldn't splurge on computer goodness. I know I should not be splurging on anything, world going to toilet, gas prices up, I suck as a prepper. The wife is getting a new job though, this should help out a lot, I hope. Went out and about today on my one useful day off, the wife got a bread-maker for 4 dollars, at 90% off at a thrift store, just our luck really, was 40 dollars, yes do the math.

As for this blog, I haven't had a good story to tell really, the other bloggers are going full force, about libya, wars, economy and the end of the world, honestly I think about all that stuff all the time too, but I have other hobbies.

in terms of posts, I will get back to you, I do hope I have more to write about then, comment perhaps, give me an incentive.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

reading a new book

What to do When the sh*t hits the fan by Dave Black, it was on clearance in B&N, so far enjoying it, it is slow going for me to read through it with work and everything. It seems to go through the Fema handbook as well as going through some of the authors own opinions. I wont review the book yet till I read through the entire book.

Its interesting for me though, its in the beginning of the year, and I am already getting the feeling of wanting to go camping, and I wanted to plan several camping trips this year, with different people in several different places of  NC, and depending where I am shows the factor of how much I am really camping, if I camp in a friends woods, I can fell trees and make a shelter, if I am in a public forest, I respect the laws there and take shelter, I will eventually show a video of me making a rain fly for my hammock out of garbage bags and duck-tape, I already have the different designs in my head for it, not really gonna go too elaborate on it but it is gonna be nicer than I would be able to make while out in the woods.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cellphones the hate and the love

How often are you on your cell phone? when you are on your phone are you doing anything else? driving, brushing your teeth, working, computing, skateboarding?  At this point its a good question to ask the capabilities of your phone, I have an iphone, love the thing, it wastes a lot of my time.. riding on the road, at work, so on. the main thing a phone is for is calling people, long distances. I have used mine to annoy my wife in the next room, its fun. I do know a year or so back, before the iphone there was a article in the news, online of course how cellphones were admitting radiation the phone I was using at the time was one of the phones doing it, I had an Cingular 8525, or att when it switched over, the maker was HTC, makes ya wonder how well that new android phone is about making your hair fall out doesn't it.

For those who want to live a closed off life stile, off the grid, cellphones fail in ever aspect, you can always be found, even on a prepaid, the cell towers and networks can triangulate your location where ever you are using the phone. My phone has a built in gps, I know someone could find me. Prepaid phones used to be more anonymous, now even with them you have to register them with the company, with a name and address, you can however give fake information I suppose.
I do not think there was a point to this post, I overuse my cellphone, its my boredom cure, it has books, games, news, internet, anything to kill my boredom. I do know, all the teens, and younger generations reliance on tech, cellphones, computers, toys as I see them, will lead to a dumber human for the future, perhaps with the world finally does go to hell.. if it hasn't already.

Monday, February 21, 2011

News on saturday sucks

Lots of news today, an Earthquake hits New Zealand  a magnitude  6.3
and all the countries in the area of Egypt are taking after them it seems, lots of civil unrest, protests and such in countries over there near Egypt.
local news, wildfires are still going through NC from all the wind we have been having, and no rain, the weathermen are saying as always we need more rain, when I hear them say we have had enough I think Ill have a heart attack. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Planting season?

I know Daily is now more of a misnomer, and my blog posts have become more random at best, but I am trying to put out decent content, and mostly failing at it I believe. I lack a lot of spare time needed to write these properly, If however I stopped paying for my high-speed internet, I would have two things, more money, and more time, because having internet gives me too much to do beyond paying attention to prepping or this blog, Television doesn't help.

Okay so growing season, has it started? I have no clue honestly, my wife has gotten into it already though, after last year with her attempts at growing vegetation in the apartment failing I am curious to see what will happen this year. she already has one plant growing quite well from seeds, squash, and then she bought a strawberry plant. I know two things not really prepper useful, no wheats or grains. I wanted her to grow spring onions myself, thats something really easy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


No the wife and I are not moving, yet. This has been the topic of our conversations for months now, where we will go from here. Do we go to the cities to help our chances of finding work that will pay decently for her and I, do we move out to the location where we would like to settle for our life time. We both want to move around some, enjoy life before having children, and currently we have that luxury. We are young, smart enough to stay away from having children, and waiting till we are ready, mind that we do want kids.

I want to move away, and its been much debate to where, I want to move someplace where I can be out in the woods, have lots of land in be smack in the middle of it and go on my relaxing walks when ever I wish, it's something that takes me back to my childhood, being alone, doing what I wanted when I wanted, fishing, swimming, walking in the woods. I never got lost in the woods, I never got hurt out there to the point where I couldn't just walk home. I feel I was lucky. This is something I  want for my son, freedom. I didn't grow up having friends close by or people to talk to really, it was just me and some form of nature.

My wife's childhood was in a suburb, friends all around to play with, not having to walk even a block to find one of her little girlfriends to play with, and during her childhood she moved from that and out into the country, where her and her sister then played in a creek and had miniature horses. Her childhood had two vastly different worlds, and she liked the first better, and she wants the first world for her daughter.

The other big debate is when we have kids, she wants us to be close to where we are now so all the parents, then be grandparents can be close by to witness the birth of our children, I would rather just fly them out to where we are.

The big question still remains, where do we move to? Well in the end the wife has said that when we are settled down I get my big mass of land and woods, so I am happy with that idea, but where? What state should we live in. NC is has a lot of woods, just like the ones I grew up with. Should we do somewhere west, perhaps more north, What is everyone else's ideas, I would like to hear them.