Sunday, January 29, 2012


A new year, with it brings new beginnings, I continue to be tested in my life, have it all taken from me, and I will always rise up from it and continue on. You can have one or one hundred things go wrong in your life somehow going through those things will make your life better in the end. my wife leaving put me on medications, true this now gives me a reliance on something that might become in short supply. but I have about 3 months supply now. This medication levels out my mood a lot which was apparently needed with my relationship with her. I am not mad at her for leaving and I understand why she did, I just wish it could have been resolved in a way where she could have stayed.

Beyond her leaving around the same time I lost my job, moved to another job, and then someone threw a rock through the window of my car, then a month or so later the car just broke down. I am currently having to drive my mothers car delivering food. I never have claimed I had a good job, but I wasn't killing vehicles doing the job. 

I have looked towards getting other jobs, or pursuing other options, I have not yet found one suited for me. The medication I am not on also seems to limit me on options because now people see me as diagnosed crazy. 

The good things I can say, I still have a job, I am still making money ( root of all evil in this society) and living the only way I can at this point in time. later on I will start  writing about actual survival stuff again. Also even being as I am I will always plan a camping trip this year, and it has been a truly mild winter. I hope spring will be a good time to go out to the mountains and throw up my hammock and relax some.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Not dead.

I know I left the whole 7 people reading this hanging. but I went through a lot in my life right at the time of my last post. my wife left me, yes after only half a year of marriage. had to move out of the apartment, lost all storage space really, most food stores are go on so on so forth. prepping is down to day one really. I still have a few of my toys with me but had to split most of my things between where I am staying, with a friend paying him for a room, and split where my mother lives right now. I haven't written anything just for fact of not having anything to write. still looking for a possible co author.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tough life

This post will very slightly... but this is my place so grin and bare it.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs its a pyramid it starts on the bottom. Level by level it tells of a persons needs, how they relate to ones survival and then to their well being, not just surviving but thriving.

physiological needs without these you cant live, air, water, food
next comes to safety, ( no dancing please ) this is what most preppers think about, in your home, psychological, so on so forth. I have this completely I feel safe.. but perhaps I have not been providing it properly for another..

this next need is love, belonging, if you are safe and only then can you love.. I love a lot, here in lies my current problem, it is between these two needs.  my love is complete, I know who I love, I know how to love. and its a damaging thing... but it isn't.. its a need, you need to love yourself you need to have love of others without it you are just surviving.

after love he puts esteem which I believe just goes in with love.. having self esteem and self respect is just love for yourself

after all this.. self actualization. I don't have a good one for this honestly so you get text book's_hierarchy_of_needs

lets hope my life..

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

hurricane and earthquake, ask and ye shall receive

Well apparently there is now a hurricane slightly heading towards me. hurricane Irene, I have been watching the weather channel regularly, and not but a few minutes ago an earthquake happened in Virginia. Do not know any damage reports yet, also it was apparently felt south of me in Charlotte coming north of me in Virginia, and of course I felt nothing. from the reports they are shutting down some am-track trains on the east coast.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Been awhile

Yeah yeah I did not forget about this. I've just been busy with work and other hobbies. And basically I do not know what to write right now. Perhaps just a little empty on survival advice. Right now in my environment the heat has finally broke for the year hopefully the power bill hasn't killed you from using the ac. And if you weren't using ac more power to ya. I personally can't wait for winter, I much enjoy the cold over the heat. I have been surprised that there have nit been more hurricanes I thought for sure that there would be some bad hurricanes this year, but so far I have been wrong.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

survival camp?

reading this article I have a wonder as to why these kids weren't accompanied by and adult. Now I know when I was 17 I went out on a 2 week camping trip, but I was in one location, in a friends woods at that. Also I think they had to do something to provoke this bear, note it was a mother and her cub. I think I would have backed away slowly or the old play dead. I don't even know all to avoid a bear attack.  There is also the sure fire way of avoidance, do not go where bears are.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hows everyone enjoying the heat?

Well, I haven't had much time off over the last few weeks and when I have, I have felt dead to the world. I have myself just generally been reading my blog roll not writing as you can tell. I have even thought about making other blogs on other topics, kinda a dumb idea when I have stopped keeping up this one as well as I had been.
The news has been talking about the debt ceiling which means little to mean in their terminology, but basically to keep the government afloat they want to put themselves and thus us in more debt, it isn't like we haven't been in debt since the day we were born.

All the more radical people are starting to say the world is changing and that there will be a big change for us, but the world is always changing, shifting and stopping and starting again. This should be nothing new for the people of the world, just look at history, the roman empire, to the fall, then the dark ages, and it cycles through to the Renaissance. 

words from me, Just keep doing what you are doing.