Showing posts with label shtf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shtf. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Walking dead, still awesome.
I haven't read the graphic novels at all. but this show is the shit. and at the end ( spoiler stop here if you don't wanna know ) seeing the prison, I have said before among my friends that a prison would be the best place to go during any kind of disaster, and mainly a zombie outbreak, the prisoners more than want to get out. These places have a full stock of food and water. with generators, everything to keep prisoners from rioting and keeping them inside. I have been inside a prison slightly, I was applying for a job at one, I didn't get the job, and I did not get very far into the prison. but the security was quite well done as it should be. solid walls and so forth.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
A new year, with it brings new beginnings, I continue to be tested in my life, have it all taken from me, and I will always rise up from it and continue on. You can have one or one hundred things go wrong in your life somehow going through those things will make your life better in the end. my wife leaving put me on medications, true this now gives me a reliance on something that might become in short supply. but I have about 3 months supply now. This medication levels out my mood a lot which was apparently needed with my relationship with her. I am not mad at her for leaving and I understand why she did, I just wish it could have been resolved in a way where she could have stayed.
Beyond her leaving around the same time I lost my job, moved to another job, and then someone threw a rock through the window of my car, then a month or so later the car just broke down. I am currently having to drive my mothers car delivering food. I never have claimed I had a good job, but I wasn't killing vehicles doing the job.
I have looked towards getting other jobs, or pursuing other options, I have not yet found one suited for me. The medication I am not on also seems to limit me on options because now people see me as diagnosed crazy.
The good things I can say, I still have a job, I am still making money ( root of all evil in this society) and living the only way I can at this point in time. later on I will start writing about actual survival stuff again. Also even being as I am I will always plan a camping trip this year, and it has been a truly mild winter. I hope spring will be a good time to go out to the mountains and throw up my hammock and relax some.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Not dead.
I know I left the whole 7 people reading this hanging. but I went through a lot in my life right at the time of my last post. my wife left me, yes after only half a year of marriage. had to move out of the apartment, lost all storage space really, most food stores are go on so on so forth. prepping is down to day one really. I still have a few of my toys with me but had to split most of my things between where I am staying, with a friend paying him for a room, and split where my mother lives right now. I haven't written anything just for fact of not having anything to write. still looking for a possible co author.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Glued to the News
Literally I have been, working or not, this has me stressed out, I do not know anyone in japan, but just watching the news I see how much they are not telling us, you compare the information coming out of cnn, to bbc, the information is different in leaps and bounds, then compare it to the videos in youtube or the messages all over twitter, stark differences, its easy to see that this era, the news is all on the internet, and not even on old news media sources, if you want the news, you have to know where to look. The best way to know where, twitter, people broadcast their lives, their stories, and their problems.
From the many stories I've read or watched about japan, there was a 9.0 earthquake, for japan they had minor damage from this because of how many earthquakes they apparently have over there, (not a piece of news we hear everyday) they have most of their building codes to withstand a 7.5 quake. the tsunami went 6 miles inland, now that the tide has drawn from the tsunami the island is 12 wider, the tsunami also hit Hawaii and California, doing some damage to California' coast, mostly to boats.
A nuclear power plant was in the path of the tsunami, the tsunami knocked out power from the area causing this power plant to be unable to cool its 6 ( I believe) reactors, one by one these have been heating up, during this time the USS ronald Regan was approaching to aid japan, yet stopped and moved further from the coast after a helicopter detected radiation. that was about 2 days ago.
between then and now I have heard back and forth of reactors and buildings exploded or didn't explode, or did explode but didn't cause a meltdown. This is all depending on which network, or news source you are reading or listening to.
What I understand is, Japan hasn't had any help in cooling the reactors, from anyone, they have been trying to cool them with water which has cause hydrogen explosions,( thats quoted from cnn) they have gone back and forth saying there is no meltdowns or there is, BUT I know they are evacuating people for "possible" radiation leaks( and even CNN is saying that this company that owns the plant hasn't been completely forth coming with information.) There have been explosions, between the reports and a US aircraft carrier not getting closer to help, beyond that some people have already been tested positive for radiation, I state that one or more of those reactors is leaking radiation. they have been telling people to keep their skin covered if they must go out, or just to stay inside. Honestly full chemical suit would be handy at this point for those people.
I was dumbfounded at the first reports telling people to cover their mouths with a wet washcloth, I was thinking what could that accomplish.
Now What news you may not have heard! there has also been a volcano eruption in japan, right like there were not enough problems, it was north of most of this from what I recall. New Jersey is flooded, still, and the Ohio river is close to flooding, so there are some problems close to home that I have not seen even hitting the news, which is why my segment on them is also rather small.
sorry I've been missing for almost a week, work has had me stressed, my car broke down, which didn't put me in a happy place, now tomorrow I get to attempt to fix it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bad tv shows, guides.
First off, I am still here, I haven't gone anywhere or done anything really, I have just not thought of anything to write about. Now I have a short post. also Saturday news.. uh Libya still going on gas prices high, food costs going up. yeah that covers it.
Okay so over this weekend I went through my dvr, a show I recorded Apocalypse man. Out of the many things I could say about this, wow. This guy for one looked homeless and I am sure that is the look the producers wanted. Two he is nuts, in the first few minutes he jumped off a bridge, let me state again, Jumped, Off, A, Bridge. For this event he stated that in times of martial law the government or that which remains would raise the bridges to limit travel for civilians, so his travel, He was trying to go to the city, was limited by a bridge so he jumped off one side of the raised bridge to the other, with a crowbar and rope. through this he scavenged a lot for things, apparently the back pack he had was empty, it was walking through everything like someone would snipe him, saying that he had to lay low, yes being the only moving target wearing black in an empty city isn't conspicuous. This was honestly a bad show, he collected fuel to start a generator so he could sit in some office building, and charge a car battery, how long into the end of the world is this guy? I hope him and Bear Grylls make good friends, they both will probably jump off the same cliff.
If the world ends, I hope you were a prepper, honestly its the easiest way in any outlook of it, you are at home in your comfort zone stocked up on food and supplies with no need to leave out for anything that could in danger your life. If you are not a prepper, do not want to start stocking up for what ever reason, you should honestly fuel prices up, food prices up, I don't see them going down anytime soon, better late than never.
Fine don't listen, but if the end of the world hits, why go to the city? whats there, a lot of trash from people, I see no use in it, learn planting, hunting, something. neither of these skills will always be useful, think of all the redneck hunters there are, if they are all out there no limit providing for their families, the game will go quickly, if you are a bad shot you wont have a chance. there will be fighting for food.
Think about last Christmas for a minute, now Christmas shopping, then black Friday shopping, you remember those idiots killing people to get into stores first, now think if the world ends, no more food factories, whats in those stores is the first thing people are gonna go for, it will be gone.
the main problem with any out look for the end of the world is that you do not know how it will come, if you will be able to leave the house or not.
I hope this post makes ya think. I want to post more, maybe do a video still and a self reveal show who I am, or at least my face.
Okay so over this weekend I went through my dvr, a show I recorded Apocalypse man. Out of the many things I could say about this, wow. This guy for one looked homeless and I am sure that is the look the producers wanted. Two he is nuts, in the first few minutes he jumped off a bridge, let me state again, Jumped, Off, A, Bridge. For this event he stated that in times of martial law the government or that which remains would raise the bridges to limit travel for civilians, so his travel, He was trying to go to the city, was limited by a bridge so he jumped off one side of the raised bridge to the other, with a crowbar and rope. through this he scavenged a lot for things, apparently the back pack he had was empty, it was walking through everything like someone would snipe him, saying that he had to lay low, yes being the only moving target wearing black in an empty city isn't conspicuous. This was honestly a bad show, he collected fuel to start a generator so he could sit in some office building, and charge a car battery, how long into the end of the world is this guy? I hope him and Bear Grylls make good friends, they both will probably jump off the same cliff.
If the world ends, I hope you were a prepper, honestly its the easiest way in any outlook of it, you are at home in your comfort zone stocked up on food and supplies with no need to leave out for anything that could in danger your life. If you are not a prepper, do not want to start stocking up for what ever reason, you should honestly fuel prices up, food prices up, I don't see them going down anytime soon, better late than never.
Fine don't listen, but if the end of the world hits, why go to the city? whats there, a lot of trash from people, I see no use in it, learn planting, hunting, something. neither of these skills will always be useful, think of all the redneck hunters there are, if they are all out there no limit providing for their families, the game will go quickly, if you are a bad shot you wont have a chance. there will be fighting for food.
Think about last Christmas for a minute, now Christmas shopping, then black Friday shopping, you remember those idiots killing people to get into stores first, now think if the world ends, no more food factories, whats in those stores is the first thing people are gonna go for, it will be gone.
the main problem with any out look for the end of the world is that you do not know how it will come, if you will be able to leave the house or not.
I hope this post makes ya think. I want to post more, maybe do a video still and a self reveal show who I am, or at least my face.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What do you do for a living? Is it something you really want to be doing? Well probably not, but it can be useful, lets take me, I drive and make food. I despise cooking, but it is useful to know. It is also good for me to know how to drive in all conditions. My wife also works in food currently, has a degree in culinary. I have a degree in criminal justice. I have had a lot of odd jobs, plumping, painting, masonry, different factory jobs. all of which has taught me a little more about the work force of the world and what it takes to make it even in this economy.
What have your jobs taught you? The big question with these skills is if they are useful in a shit hits the fan scenario. Remember that any skill you have will become a barter tool for you once money has no value.
If you do not have a job that is promoting you some real world skills beyond the obtainment of money, what are some hobbies you could start that would? fishing, hunting, target shooting, building models, geocaching would even be useful at times. come up with your own ideas. comment them to me lets make this a long list.
What have your jobs taught you? The big question with these skills is if they are useful in a shit hits the fan scenario. Remember that any skill you have will become a barter tool for you once money has no value.
If you do not have a job that is promoting you some real world skills beyond the obtainment of money, what are some hobbies you could start that would? fishing, hunting, target shooting, building models, geocaching would even be useful at times. come up with your own ideas. comment them to me lets make this a long list.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
New Month
February already, In my life not much happening that is interesting, I continue working which means little to anyone reading this honestly; However, to me it means continued life stuck in a rut, I am quite curious how someone starting out life in a poor social status can move above it. my parents were poor, my wifes parents were poor, I am 25 years of age, Yep I said something about myself. I think we married young yes. I do not see how a couple wishing to have kids, brought up in distress of money gets out of that distress. This is from countless talks or arguments with the wife about money, and time.
its a condescending idea for her, she wants to move to a city, for work to obtain a better job, but when we have children she wants to be close enough for her mother to be there. the two ideas are impossible for me to grasp. Beyond that moving at all, when one lives only paycheck to paycheck how would one move. This month incredibly annoying with car inspections, registrations, and to have the kicker a higher power bill from heating.
This is the very point where I wish we were off the grid, or in a world where one did not need a job or a car riding horses, trading whats needed, using crafts and skills properly for money, while chopping wood for a fire, or even in modern age, solar heating. Everyone has skills, my wife's is cooking, mine is just about everything.
I have always been a jack of all trades, and quite literally a master of none. My father was a painter, through that he was also a handyman, but painting houses, he was a master at, it took him time, as he did it alone, but never a drip, never a run in the paint, an entirely even coat. I was taught this, I am capable of painting not as he was though. I have held many jobs with him or without, repairing wood work, stone masoning, plumbing, electrician. All the while having my own hobbies, making plate armor, learning to sew with my mother, as that was her main profession, crocheting with my grandmother, Whittling. and as I got older computers and other electronics. All of these skills, Everyone of them is useless to a modern resume. In america you want teams of foreigners painting your houses, doing your sewing, gardening, so on. the servant class of the world, even the factory class of the industrial revolution is now the unemployed class. Those like me who wish for high rank, champagne on a beer budget, we work in customer service now, being paid bottom dollar to those that will still hirer, food service, most companies shipped jobs else where, where more profits can be made by having lower wages.
I am not foreseeing my way of getting ahead in life. I have an associates degree, so does my wife, mine is in criminal justice, my wife's is in culinary arts. No money and too much shame, I bow to no one, I neither beg nor plea, I just see this world dropping, and to those few with money either wasting it. or those that are in the magical middle class prepping. Those are the ones who I wish to be, to have the money to prepare for a time when our world becomes like themovies News on tv.
its a condescending idea for her, she wants to move to a city, for work to obtain a better job, but when we have children she wants to be close enough for her mother to be there. the two ideas are impossible for me to grasp. Beyond that moving at all, when one lives only paycheck to paycheck how would one move. This month incredibly annoying with car inspections, registrations, and to have the kicker a higher power bill from heating.
This is the very point where I wish we were off the grid, or in a world where one did not need a job or a car riding horses, trading whats needed, using crafts and skills properly for money, while chopping wood for a fire, or even in modern age, solar heating. Everyone has skills, my wife's is cooking, mine is just about everything.
I have always been a jack of all trades, and quite literally a master of none. My father was a painter, through that he was also a handyman, but painting houses, he was a master at, it took him time, as he did it alone, but never a drip, never a run in the paint, an entirely even coat. I was taught this, I am capable of painting not as he was though. I have held many jobs with him or without, repairing wood work, stone masoning, plumbing, electrician. All the while having my own hobbies, making plate armor, learning to sew with my mother, as that was her main profession, crocheting with my grandmother, Whittling. and as I got older computers and other electronics. All of these skills, Everyone of them is useless to a modern resume. In america you want teams of foreigners painting your houses, doing your sewing, gardening, so on. the servant class of the world, even the factory class of the industrial revolution is now the unemployed class. Those like me who wish for high rank, champagne on a beer budget, we work in customer service now, being paid bottom dollar to those that will still hirer, food service, most companies shipped jobs else where, where more profits can be made by having lower wages.
I am not foreseeing my way of getting ahead in life. I have an associates degree, so does my wife, mine is in criminal justice, my wife's is in culinary arts. No money and too much shame, I bow to no one, I neither beg nor plea, I just see this world dropping, and to those few with money either wasting it. or those that are in the magical middle class prepping. Those are the ones who I wish to be, to have the money to prepare for a time when our world becomes like the
Friday, January 28, 2011
Saturday news
Even though its currently Friday... I just have nothing to really post about this week, been drained from work and other life events, trying to follow world and local news is even some times a hassle.
for local news, I am not going to link to it but, McGuire nuclear power station was set offline for a few days because of fish getting caught in the water intake for cooling. This makes me so pleased about how close I live to this place.
The other news is what everyone is talking about right now, Egypt. Right now I am kinda surprised we are actually getting news reports from Egypt, here we have to consider total media black out for them really, internet gone, cellphones gone, and they are rioting, looting and going just bat shit insane attempting to get back some simple liberties, I know there are countries that are on peoples do not go list, well right now this is one. No Pyramid visits for awhile because of this one. With this story there is not just one news report, there are several, it has taken over CNN, taken over every international news, in money news from this stocks are dropping, oil will be going back up perhaps higher. The world's economy as it is now is so unstable, one country faltering is effecting all others, when USA started, so did the rest of the world, I am sure this was seen .
Now with Egypt, they want freedom and its being taken from them, and all those with my mindset are just watching, waiting, all the while knowing it could happen here next, and all for the most part without anymore warning then what we are already getting, this warning we have flashing at us right now, that everyone is ignoring. just wait for it.
remember this has all happened, in just 4 days.
for local news, I am not going to link to it but, McGuire nuclear power station was set offline for a few days because of fish getting caught in the water intake for cooling. This makes me so pleased about how close I live to this place.
The other news is what everyone is talking about right now, Egypt. Right now I am kinda surprised we are actually getting news reports from Egypt, here we have to consider total media black out for them really, internet gone, cellphones gone, and they are rioting, looting and going just bat shit insane attempting to get back some simple liberties, I know there are countries that are on peoples do not go list, well right now this is one. No Pyramid visits for awhile because of this one. With this story there is not just one news report, there are several, it has taken over CNN, taken over every international news, in money news from this stocks are dropping, oil will be going back up perhaps higher. The world's economy as it is now is so unstable, one country faltering is effecting all others, when USA started, so did the rest of the world, I am sure this was seen .
Now with Egypt, they want freedom and its being taken from them, and all those with my mindset are just watching, waiting, all the while knowing it could happen here next, and all for the most part without anymore warning then what we are already getting, this warning we have flashing at us right now, that everyone is ignoring. just wait for it.
remember this has all happened, in just 4 days.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saturday News
Only about, this phrase stands out above all others in this article, Only about 18,000 people. What is it about Only about? Well to this writer Only about 18,000 people died from swine flu. Now I am sure more people die every day, every second or so on and so forth, But I dislike it being put in that context. Just to say only, that word belittles a number, it is used to preceve that it is not that much, there could have been more. This is true more people could have died, and its also a statement of unknowing, only about 18,000 people died.
I know that is not what the article was speaking about, but its just what struck my cord. It could be interesting how much of a boost to the immune system the vaccine gives people, however I never have gotten a flu vaccine for anything, the last person in my family that I knew to get them was my grandmother, and to me I saw he get sick after every one of them.
and more reporting to my hate of that phrase... no one will ever say " only about 3000 people died on 9/11 "
I know that is not what the article was speaking about, but its just what struck my cord. It could be interesting how much of a boost to the immune system the vaccine gives people, however I never have gotten a flu vaccine for anything, the last person in my family that I knew to get them was my grandmother, and to me I saw he get sick after every one of them.
and more reporting to my hate of that phrase... no one will ever say " only about 3000 people died on 9/11 "
Thursday, January 6, 2011
This is the post I wanted to post last night, however all I got was a nice loading screen where the typing needed to be done.
Have you ever Experienced panic? the mind numbing constantly running emotion that exists in the human body that is suppose to be there to help a person cope with stress, with a dire situation, the adrenalin flows, the skin reddens, the mind focuses on the one thing at hand, the stressor. Every time something happens in your life that causes this influx of emotion, a car accident, operation, general fear of the unknown that places you in the state at that time. This emotion can be overtaken with time.
Now to some people unlucky as they are, experience this feeling when it isn't needed, labeled a panic attack, brought on by any amount of the world being seen as it is coming down upon them, everything out to get them This is a feeling that these people and I am sure everyone else in the world wants to avoid, so medication normally is involved, a problem is stated, and all is right with the world. right? Normally wrong, medication becomes a dependent and it only hurts those in a long run making them further unable to cope in society and having more problems coming to terms with reality when something bad actually happens to them.
Now think about normal people, all Six billion of them, in a constant state of panic, think about all those already seeking mental help. The people that are in mental institutions. The worse happens, the world goes to shit, and we have six billion people panicking because they have lost control over the simple things that keeps them complacent in their happy little world.
Would you be able to overcome your body's natural reflex to panic?
Have you ever Experienced panic? the mind numbing constantly running emotion that exists in the human body that is suppose to be there to help a person cope with stress, with a dire situation, the adrenalin flows, the skin reddens, the mind focuses on the one thing at hand, the stressor. Every time something happens in your life that causes this influx of emotion, a car accident, operation, general fear of the unknown that places you in the state at that time. This emotion can be overtaken with time.
Now to some people unlucky as they are, experience this feeling when it isn't needed, labeled a panic attack, brought on by any amount of the world being seen as it is coming down upon them, everything out to get them This is a feeling that these people and I am sure everyone else in the world wants to avoid, so medication normally is involved, a problem is stated, and all is right with the world. right? Normally wrong, medication becomes a dependent and it only hurts those in a long run making them further unable to cope in society and having more problems coming to terms with reality when something bad actually happens to them.
Now think about normal people, all Six billion of them, in a constant state of panic, think about all those already seeking mental help. The people that are in mental institutions. The worse happens, the world goes to shit, and we have six billion people panicking because they have lost control over the simple things that keeps them complacent in their happy little world.
Would you be able to overcome your body's natural reflex to panic?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday News post, I need a slogan for it or something
First story, Korea, good, bad, north, and south. lets see, south Korea doing firing tests, north Korea thinking this is a war effort, and now north Korea jumping further on the war issue, I think we have been here before. lets hope this time we stay out of it, but what am I saying the USA lives to fight other peoples battles for them.
Snow. Okay this time it isn't in NC, it was suppose to snow today, I kinda missed it, wanted it, hoped for it, it failed me, so its snowing in Europe, apparently this is odd weather for them this early too!
Prison Break at a Mexican border prison. this is not good, 141 prisoners escaped most likely with the workers help, leaving out of a service entrance used for vehicles
Did your childhood suck? were you abused, beated, sexually abused at one point in your life? your not alone, as an adult or a child really. welcome to the world of why the world sucks and why if you aren't abused at home then you are at school or work.
Fat kids multiply we blame the schools, Okay so schools are letting our fat kids opt out of P.e. and well I do believe this requires a parental consent form we are still blaming the schools for it. when I was a kid I played outside riding my bike around in circles and I stayed skinny, I did not gain weight until I moved and got cable Television. P.e did not do much to help me with my weight because at my size then I wasn't big enough to do a pull up, I did not have the muscle build I was just skinny, if you want to complain about the lack of P.e then it should attempt to be effective in the first place.
Snow. Okay this time it isn't in NC, it was suppose to snow today, I kinda missed it, wanted it, hoped for it, it failed me, so its snowing in Europe, apparently this is odd weather for them this early too!
Prison Break at a Mexican border prison. this is not good, 141 prisoners escaped most likely with the workers help, leaving out of a service entrance used for vehicles
Did your childhood suck? were you abused, beated, sexually abused at one point in your life? your not alone, as an adult or a child really. welcome to the world of why the world sucks and why if you aren't abused at home then you are at school or work.
Fat kids multiply we blame the schools, Okay so schools are letting our fat kids opt out of P.e. and well I do believe this requires a parental consent form we are still blaming the schools for it. when I was a kid I played outside riding my bike around in circles and I stayed skinny, I did not gain weight until I moved and got cable Television. P.e did not do much to help me with my weight because at my size then I wasn't big enough to do a pull up, I did not have the muscle build I was just skinny, if you want to complain about the lack of P.e then it should attempt to be effective in the first place.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Things go boom
The government has simulated a nuclear blast, and said that it is a survivable event, several problems. they did it where the government isn't, why would someone nuke the american movie industry?
beyond that they have a whole list of things we could do if it happens to attempt to prolong our sorry lives while they hide in a well furnished bunker. like not moving. it would be more harm to go outside into the radiation than remain inside and starve. yay prepping. beyond these thoughts, you could move away from this and think about the nuclear power plants near you, or in fallout range one of which I am in range of McGuire power plant. I have always lived in range of dying by this thing, and have driven by it many times on land and on the lake.
it really doesn't take hate to end the world or our lives, just stupidity, in so many available ways.
beyond that they have a whole list of things we could do if it happens to attempt to prolong our sorry lives while they hide in a well furnished bunker. like not moving. it would be more harm to go outside into the radiation than remain inside and starve. yay prepping. beyond these thoughts, you could move away from this and think about the nuclear power plants near you, or in fallout range one of which I am in range of McGuire power plant. I have always lived in range of dying by this thing, and have driven by it many times on land and on the lake.
it really doesn't take hate to end the world or our lives, just stupidity, in so many available ways.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
two things in life that are certain
Death and Taxes, and we all have experienced both I am sure. apparently we are getting the bush tax cuts extending into this year.
From what I am reading in blogs, all of the bigger survival bloggers are speaking of a shortage of freeze dried food. This is something I can not report on, I do not have the sources they do, I have also never bought at freeze dried food. I do know however with the winter storms going through the country, that eggs, milk, gas, and antifreeze are pretty well out of stock at most stores and gas stations beyond walmart. walmart doesnt stockpile anything, most stores do not anymore, so they get shipments as they run out or low on stock. a flawed system in storms and possible times for the traffic to be at a stand still. more people buying food and other items to stock, and the stores running out unable to restock. now preppers are another story they do not have to worry about these problems, which is why they prep. I suppose its something everyone should try.
From what I am reading in blogs, all of the bigger survival bloggers are speaking of a shortage of freeze dried food. This is something I can not report on, I do not have the sources they do, I have also never bought at freeze dried food. I do know however with the winter storms going through the country, that eggs, milk, gas, and antifreeze are pretty well out of stock at most stores and gas stations beyond walmart. walmart doesnt stockpile anything, most stores do not anymore, so they get shipments as they run out or low on stock. a flawed system in storms and possible times for the traffic to be at a stand still. more people buying food and other items to stock, and the stores running out unable to restock. now preppers are another story they do not have to worry about these problems, which is why they prep. I suppose its something everyone should try.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
horders or preppers
Whats the difference? I would like to think organisation and the lack of a tv show. From what I have seen on the Tv show, I am not a frequent watcher of the show, the people on the show are older, and sit at home normally never leaving the house at all, and have bought too much stuff out of mail order or shopping from tv, obtaining stuff spending money I wish I had for things they don't need, nor possibly even know the use for. if you buy a bunch of cooking things on QVC leave them in boxes, never leave the house, are filling up your home removing even a walking pathway because of stuff you are a horder, if you have animals in your home and have too much stuff in there to clean up after them, you are a horder, and normally by that tv show, their houses are being condemned from the health department stated as being unfit to live in.
preppers do probably buy too much stuff, and possibly from QVC however, from what I can tell, at least online the ones who advertise they are preppers do so with order, if you have 20 5 gallon buckets of food, you kinda want to know which bucket has what in it, so labels are your friend, I can't imagine it would be a good day if the health department did get a call on you and they enter your house to find a wall of buckets, or other food storage, and they think you are a horder of buckets. remember to make yourself able to walk through your home.
honestly the worse thing I see in all of these is having animals in your house, this I am not a fan of, animals have adapted to live outside, if they aren't they are a useless animal to me. so your designer dog might be nice, but has no place with me, sorry wifey, your shih-tzu stays with your parents.
QOTD What are the TV shows you watch, do they relate to your ideas of prepping or survival?
preppers do probably buy too much stuff, and possibly from QVC however, from what I can tell, at least online the ones who advertise they are preppers do so with order, if you have 20 5 gallon buckets of food, you kinda want to know which bucket has what in it, so labels are your friend, I can't imagine it would be a good day if the health department did get a call on you and they enter your house to find a wall of buckets, or other food storage, and they think you are a horder of buckets. remember to make yourself able to walk through your home.
honestly the worse thing I see in all of these is having animals in your house, this I am not a fan of, animals have adapted to live outside, if they aren't they are a useless animal to me. so your designer dog might be nice, but has no place with me, sorry wifey, your shih-tzu stays with your parents.
QOTD What are the TV shows you watch, do they relate to your ideas of prepping or survival?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
late in the day
well I have a few stories to talk about, reading the news last night showed me the stories I wanted to write about today, and unfortunately I am not getting to this writing until nearly 3 am the next day, the first story is speaking about the tsa and all these privacy intrusions we are now just witnessing because of all the terrorist thoughts through out the flight around the world. now I wonder if a full body scanner or groping I mean pat downs would even be helpful to how those planes were apparently high jacked, not with bombs, with box cutters, and with box cutters I honestly do not see any plane full of american people being scared of one or two people on a plane, there has to be some facts wrong about those statements. please come see me in 50 years when the documents are released. right now we are dealing with this invasion of privacy because we are allowing it, we allowed the patriot act to come into play and let it slip by us letting the government avoid completely the 4th amendment, a law that has been in place since the birth of this country. a government agency can bug your house while your away, no search warrant, no court order, no reasonable suspicion no urgent circumstance. the entire 4th amendment was put in place to protect persons places and things for your privacy. knowing this, the statement given by the tsa is that a person, a reasonable person would have no expectation of privacy in an airport, well this is a statement I know we all believe, we all, the american people, have a reasonable expectation of privacy by wearing clothes we assume in our no wrong doing, there should be no reason to see what is under our clothes, nor should a random check by an employee give the reason for a pad down, the pad down, a terry stop, the first pad down, means you have to have reasonable suspicion for a pat down, the only person I see having the ability to judge this is a trained police officer, not a hired tsa employee.
the other story I marked in my book to write about was this
these guys cant get a break can they? move maybe? ok with katrina, hurricane after hurricane, and the oil spill, its almost surprising to find people still wanting to live in this place, but ok I understand its home and a way of life. they are going through another problem, a power outage? hmm these have happened in new york and they never told them to boil water, which gene pool are they trying to thin... I joke.
On both of these stories, I have flown on a few planes, after 9/11 mind you I was 16 then, 25 now. even got stopped once cause I attempted to walk through with some hotel shampoo, I let them keep that, I didn't like taking off my shoes or understanding why an xray machine can see inside my laptop, and my bag, but not inside my laptop while its in my bag. on the other story, I have been through hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. hugo was the worse one I remember, I was 4. most of the time these things happened I was in rather safe locations inside brick structures, so I have been lucky, and I was taught by my parents to have plenty of things, like batteries or things that work but don't require batteries on hand in those times, and I do love the invention of hand crank powered devices.
tomorrow, or this morning is Monday, I am sending off my laptop later today, and then work till midnight, doing my next blog then, then then then going camping for a few days, ill be attempting to film while I am out there and I hope I get a lot of the product reviews I wanted to go over, done with while out there.
the other story I marked in my book to write about was this
these guys cant get a break can they? move maybe? ok with katrina, hurricane after hurricane, and the oil spill, its almost surprising to find people still wanting to live in this place, but ok I understand its home and a way of life. they are going through another problem, a power outage? hmm these have happened in new york and they never told them to boil water, which gene pool are they trying to thin... I joke.
On both of these stories, I have flown on a few planes, after 9/11 mind you I was 16 then, 25 now. even got stopped once cause I attempted to walk through with some hotel shampoo, I let them keep that, I didn't like taking off my shoes or understanding why an xray machine can see inside my laptop, and my bag, but not inside my laptop while its in my bag. on the other story, I have been through hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. hugo was the worse one I remember, I was 4. most of the time these things happened I was in rather safe locations inside brick structures, so I have been lucky, and I was taught by my parents to have plenty of things, like batteries or things that work but don't require batteries on hand in those times, and I do love the invention of hand crank powered devices.
tomorrow, or this morning is Monday, I am sending off my laptop later today, and then work till midnight, doing my next blog then, then then then going camping for a few days, ill be attempting to film while I am out there and I hope I get a lot of the product reviews I wanted to go over, done with while out there.
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